

"Peacekeeping is not a soldier’s job, but only soldiers can do it"

25th July 2024 00:15:19 Hours


Marking the conclusion of the deployment in Mali, the Second group of Sri Lanka Guard Unit (SLGU)-MINUSMA arrived in Sri Lanka on Tuesday (23) July 2024.

A total of 104 Army personnel consisting of 13 Officers and 90 Other Ranks arrived on a UN-chartered Ethiopian Airlines flight, landing at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) Colombo at 1530 hours.

In the meantime, troops were warmly welcomed by Major General W P A D W Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu Commandant Sri Lanka Volunteer Force and the Colonel of the Regiment SLSR, Major General S A N D Edirisinghe RWP RSP Hdmc psc Director General General Staff and the Colonel Commandant SLCMP, Brigadier C S Thibbotuge Centre Commandant -SLSR, Brigadier S W R Prasanna RWP RSP USP Director Movement, Brigadier M W S Millagala RWP RSP USP Hdmc psc Director Overseas Operations and a few representative Officers in the Sri Lanka Army at the BIA.

After returning to the island, Colonel W W N P Wickramarachchi Contingent Commander of SLGU reported to Major General W P A D W Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu Commandant Sri Lanka Volunteer Force to formally terminate the mission with MINUSMA in accordance with military protocols. Prior to this formal termination, a ceremonial parade took place where the UN flag, National flag and the Army flag were handed over as per military tradition.

Later on, the contingent troops were subjected to do HIV, VDRL and FFI tests.

The first group of SLGU troops including 07 Officers and 97 x Other Ranks arrived in Sri Lanka yesterday (22)July 2024.

Since 2017, the Sri Lankan peacekeepers in Mali have made a significant impact on the country’s foreign exchange through the payments made by the UN for the wages and allowances of Sri Lankan Military Observers and Staff Officers serving in MINUSMA.The steadfast dedication of Sri Lankan peacekeepers in Mali to maintaining peace and stability has benefited the global community and greatly strengthened Sri Lanka's economic position through their invaluable service.