21st June 2022 22:56:33 Hours
As per the instructions of Director General Financial Management (DGFM) of the Army and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock Major General WBSM Abeysekera RSP USP the first Advance Livestock Course (Animal Husbandry) with the participation of 22 students was started on 20 June 2022 at Aralaganwila Agricultural Training School. This course will conduct from 20 June to 3rd July 2022( Two weeks) with the objective of further expanding the Agricultural knowledge of the Officers and Other ranks of the Regiment of Agriculture and Livestock. Commandant School of Agriculture and Livestock Lt Col DLCN Muththanthirige conducted the opening address for the course at School of Agriculture Aralaganwila. Lectures will be conducted by Maj KWL Niroshan (CI) and Capt SDV Dissanayake. It has been planned to conduct Livestock Specialized course in near future in order to uplift and enhance the livestock knowledge of the Officers and Other Ranks in the Corps of Agriculture.