04th March 2023 12:06:35 Hours
To maintain the high standards of the junior leaders,School of agriculture and livestock commenced the 2nd Young Officers Basic Agriculture and Livestock Course on 16 January 2023.The closing address of that course was held on 04 March 2023 in School of Agriculture and Livestock Murukandi.Director General Financial Management and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture and Livestock Major General WBSM Abeysekera RSP VSV USP graced the occasion as a chief guest with the President of Seva Vanitha Branch SLACAL Mrs.Shanthi Abeysekera.
The School Commandant Lt Col DLCN Muththanthirige was warmly welcomed the Chief Guest and President of Seva Vanitha Branch to the certificate awarding ceremony.6 male officers and 6 female officers were participarted for this course and the duration is 42 days.After distributed the certificates to the young officers,The Colonel Commandant addressed the young officers and highlighted the importance of this course for their future carrier.
1st in order of Merit – C/87109 2/Lt RGJL Ranameramulla
2nd in order of Merit – C/87120 2/Lt AMBS Rathnayake
3rd in order of Merit – C/86568 2/Lt KMMS Karunathilake