07th August 2023 10:25:26 Hours
The first Agrarian Seminar of year 2023 was held on 04 August 2023 at School Agriculture & Livestock Kilinochchi.The Director General Financial Management & Colonel Commandant Major General WBSM Abeysekera RSP VSV USP was graced the occasion as chief guest.The Director Agriculture & Livestock,The Centre Commandant of SLACAL,Commandant-School of Agriculture & Livestock, Commanding officers of respective battalions & Officers of SLACAL were attended for inaugural Agrarian Seminar.
The theme of this Agrarian seminar was to "Optimise Productivity", by Enhancing Agricultural efficiency and productivity in Army farms,Optimal crop selection,Cultural practices,Pest and diseases Management, Post-Harvest Management, Attitude Change and learn how to use High-Technology Machinery Applications to the Army Farms of SLACAL.Guest Lecturer Dr. Chaminda Egodawatta (Senior Lecturer University of Rajarata),Major WRAC Prasanna & Captain AMAN Abeysinghe were conducted the valuable lectures regarding topics related to theme during the Agrarian Seminar.