
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

08th February 2023 16:50:43 Hours


Major General G W A Seneviratne USP psc and Major General P P A Perera Hdmc psc was honoured with a Guard Turnout and Guard of Honour for their promotions to the rank of Major General on 08th February 2023 at the Home of Sappers, Panagoda.

The newly promoted Major General Anuruddha Seneviratne and Major General Asanga Perera warmly welcomed by the Centre Commandant Brigadier Manoj Madurapperuma on their arrival to the Corps Headquarter. Thereafter, they were bestowed with Guard Turnout at the main entrance. Then Major General Anuruddha Seneviratne and Major General Asanga Perera took salute at the Guard of Honour in conformity with the military traditions.

The occasion was marked with a Tea party at the Officers’ Mess where the Chief Guests were greeted by all Officers of the Corps. Presently Major General Anuruddha Seneviratne is holding the appointment of Director General Research Concept & Doctrine at Army Headquarters and Major General Asanga Perera is holding the appointment of Director General Overseas Operations at Army Headquarters.

Regimental Council Members, the Centre Commandant, Senior Officers, Commanding Officers, Officers & Other Ranks were present at the ceremony.