
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

07th October 2021 23:15:21 Hours


Brigadier MPK Madurapperuma RSP USP psc assumes duties as the 15th Centre Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers on 07 October 2021 followed by few military customs at the Regimental Centre, Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers by adhering to the health precautions and guidelines stipulated to prevent COVID-19 outbreak.

The proceedings began as the day's protagonist, Brigadier Manoj Madurapperuma’s arrival at the Engineers Regimental Centre and Lieutenant Colonel Franklin Joseph, Deputy Centre Commandant of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers warmly received the newly appointed Centre Commandant at the main entrance.

Later on, amidst religious observances Brigadier Manoj Madurapperuma placed his signature in a formal document, symbolizing the assumption of duties.