
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

03rd August 2021 12:35:18 Hours


A five-day workshop on Introduction to Contract Management and Administration was conducted by NEXTEC Engineering Private Limited from 26th July 2021 to 30th July 2021 at the Convention Centre at Maththegoda. This workshop was arranged for the benefit of Officers of the Corps of Engineers involved in both Army and Nation building projects. This is the second workshop conducted this year for the knowledge enhancement of the Officers on project management.

These workshops were conducted on the instructions and guidance of the Chief Field Engineer and Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Engineers Maj Gen A N Amarasekera USP ndu. The contents of this workshop were carefully planned and designed by NEXTEC Engineering Private Limited headed by Mr. Prasad Perera. The panel of lecturers at the workshop consisted of a fine blend of Academics and practitioners in the field.

The Workshop was concluded with the Certificate Awarding Ceremony on 30th July 2021 at the Convention Centre at Matthegoda in conformity to the health regulations and guidelines stipulated on the prevention of COVID – 19.

Certificates for the successful participants were awarded by Maj Gen A N Amarasekara USP ndu, Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Engineers and the Chief Field Engineer of the Sri Lanka Army and Eng Samitha Jayakody, Director Architectural & Buildings, Resources Development Consultants (RDC).