
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

29th June 2021 12:51:30 Hours


The Middeniya primary school which is located astride of Middneiya – Panamura road (B286) was in need of an overhead bridge for the use of school children, teachers and parents due to the heavy traffic along the road. In November 2020, during the visit by H E the President to Middeniya, the school children, teachers and parents requested for an overhead bridge considering the safety of the school children.

H E the President having confidence in the Army entrusted this task to the Commander of the Army General Shavendra Silva to undertake the construction of this overhead bridge. On the direction of the Commander of the Army, the Chief Field Engineer Major General Nihal Amerasekara and Commander General Engineer Brigade Brigadier Dumindu Jayasinghe visited the site and directed the Commanding Officer of 4 (V) SLE Engineer Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Kumara Warahena to construct the overhead bridge. The construction commenced on 18 November 2020 by the 4 (V) SLE Engineer Regiment team headed by Captain Asitha Wijayabandara.

The overhead bridge which is estimated at a cost of Rs. 16.4 million is 17m in span and 1.5m in width. The project was successfully completed on 27 June 2021 will be handed over to the beneficiaries in due course.