
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

17th June 2020 20:30:27 Hours


Sappers family bids farewell to Major General BB Randeniya on his completion of 34 years of illustrious military career in the Army on 16th June 2020. The farewell ceremony held at Corps Headquarters with large gathering of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.

Major General Buwaneka Randeniya is a proud product of St.Sylwester College,Kandy. He was enlisted to the Regular Force of the Sri Lanka Army on 17 March 1986 and after successful training was commissioned on 12 December 1987 as a Second Lieutenant and posted to the Corps of Engineers. Since his pass out, the officer had to fight against the brutal LTTE terrorism and his contribution throughout the period until the government forces eradicated LTTE military mechanism completely from this soil, is highly commendable. Being a determinant and courageous officer, during his tour of duty, he was able to held so many key appointments and few of them are Colonel GS 11 Division, Commander of the 515 Brigade, Commander Engineer Brigade, BGS SFHQ Kilinochchi, Commandant of Joint Service Language Training Institute, Director of Management & Maintenance at ABH Colombo & Commander FMA East.

The farewell ceremonies included a guard turnout, floral tribute to fallen war heroes, a guard of honour, All ranks tea and a formal dinner night. Major General Jagath Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc Chief of Staff and Colonel Commandant Corps of Engineers and Mrs Sagara Gunawardena the president ‘Seva Vanitha’ branch of the Corps of Engineers together with senior officers, officers and their spouses graced the occasion to extended their best wishes for the outgoing Major General. It had been organized adhering to social distancing safety methods and health guidelines issued by the AHQ.