
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

03rd June 2020 06:19:30 Hours


Major General Jagath Gunawardena assumed office as the 55th Chief of Staff of the Army on 01 June 2020 during a simple ceremony at his office in the Army Headquarters, amid religious observances, greetings and best wishes.

Soon after his arrival at the new office, he made religious offerings before members of the Maha Sangha commenced chanting to invoke blessings on the new office. While chanting was in progress, Major General Gunawardena placed his signature in an official document to signify the acceptance of his new office. After offer of ‘Pirikara’ to the Maha Sangha, Senior Officers present there extended their best wishes to the new Chief of Staff.

Here follows Major General Jagath Gunawardena’s profile:

Major General Jagath Gunawardena was born on 15 December 1965 in Colombo. He is a proud product of prestigious D S Senanayake College, Colombo. During his school career he has excelled in sports and represented the school sports teams in Hockey, Rugby, Cricket, Football and Athletics. He has been a Cadet and a Prefect in junior and senior levels.

He joined the Sri Lanka Army on 18 January 1985 to Officer Cadet Intake 20 and was commissioned to the Corps of Engineers on 31 May 1986 on completion of the basic Officer Cadet training at the Sri Lanka Military Academy Diyatalawa. He has a keen sportsman as a young officer and represented the Sri Lanka Army in Rugby, Football and Hockey and his Engineer Regiment in many sports. At early stages of his military career he took part in number of major military operations as a field engineer officer and supported many field formations. He got seriously injured during Operation Balawegaya-1 rescue operation of Elephant-Pass and soon after the initial medical treatments; he opted to serve as a Staff Officer at Military Hospital while taking treatments. After an instructor tenure at SLMA he joined his regiment in Palali as second in Command of 5 Field Engineer Regiment and thereafter took part in many military operations.

This Senior Officer displayed a keen interest in pursuing the higher studies and being academically and professionally sound personality. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) War Studies from University of Baluchistan in Pakistan, Master in Defence Studies from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, Master of Arts with Merit in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Diploma with Merit in Conflict Resolution and Peace Preparedness, University of Bradford, United Kingdom, Diploma in Human Rights from Institute of Human Rights, Colombo, and Diploma in Senior Level Defence Management from the University of Indore, India. He is a graduate of University of Philippines and holds the degree of Master in National Security Administration.

Major General Jagath Gunawardena is a graduate of Sri Lanka Army Command and Staff College (Course Number 2), and Command and Staff College, Quetta, Pakistan. He was the recipient of ‘Commandant's Golden Pen’ award for best research paper at the Army Command and Staff College in year 1999. He has attended Senior Command Course at Army War College, Mhow, India and National Defence College in Philippines. His foreign military education in engineering includes Young Officers Course at College of Military Engineering, Pune, India, Mid Career Course and Bomb Disposal Course at Military College of Engineering, Risalpur, Pakistan.

He has served in many command appointments including Officer Commanding Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Unit of the Sri Lanka Army during highest bomb threats and attacks in Sri Lanka. He commanded 8 Field Engineer Regiment (Infantry Role) in Kokilai, Nagarkovil and Sarasali. As the Commanding Officer 8 Field Engineer Regiment he got the rare opportunity to be the Pally Entry Exit Point Commandant during the opening of A9 road on 15 February 2002. He commanded 6 Field Engineer Regiment (Combat Engineer Role) and was the head of the mine action technical committee in Vavuniya. As a Commander 524 Infantry Brigade (Point Pedro) he protected the Point Pedro camp from many Sea Tiger Attacks. He held the appointment of Centre Commandant of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers for three years and thereafter Commander Engineer Brigade. As the Commander Engineer Brigade he expedited the demining process and standards to very high recognition for Sri Lankan de-miners.

He was the General Officer Commanding of 57 Infantry Division, before he took over one of the Principle Staff Officers appointments to Commander of the Army, Master General Ordnance at Army Headquarters on 5 February 2018. He pioneered to introduce Martial Art “Kiuyshiro Budo” to operational troops to react for emergency situations as GOC 57 Division and subsequently as the Commander Security Force (Wanni). Also, he introduced “Budo” to all battalions of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

The instructional appointments that the senior officer held during his career include Officer Instructor at the Sri Lanka Military Academy, Directing Staff at Army Command and Staff College and Defence Services Command and Staff College, Head of the Training Team at Army Wing at the Defence Services Command and Staff College where he was enable to demonstrate exceptional services while disseminating knowledge and widening the horizons of the student officers.

His staff appointments include Grade-III (Operations) in a Divisional HQ, Grade-II Staff Officer at Military Hospital Colombo, Adjutant and Staff Officer Grade 2 at Sri Lanka Military Academy, Grade-I Staff Officer (Operations) in Reserve Strike Force (53 Division) in the Sri Lanka Army, Grade-I Staff Officer (Training) at Army Headquarters and Colonel General Staff of 56 Division.

He has also held the appointments of Deputy Military Liaison Officer, Ministry of Defence, Director Plans and Master General Ordnance at the Army Headquarters prior to be appointed as the Commander Security Forces Headquarters (Wanni).

He has vast experience in field engineering, plant engineering projects, demining and has contributed in many nation building projects as Engineer Brigade Commander he pioneered to train and establishe the first Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) squadron of the Army which later formed as 14 CBRN Engineer Regiment. As the Engineer Brigade Commander he took part in Rescue Operations Contingent for Nepal Earthquake and led the rescue operations to assist victims, recovery operations and construction works which they highly recognized and appreciated.

He enjoys playing golf for leisure. He has taken a keen interest to uplift the sports in the army throughout his career. He has been a Chairman of Army swimming and Water-Polo, Vice Chairman of Sri Lanka Army Football Committee, and Chairman of Army Squash Committee. Presently he holds the appointment of Chairman of Army karate Committee.

He has been an all-rounder and has performed outstandingly in all appointments entrusted to him. He has been decorated with gallantry award of “Rana Sura Paddakkama” for his bravery in the face of enemy and “Vishishta Seva Vibhishanaya” and “Uttama Seva Padakkama” for his distinguished and unblemished service. In addition to that, he has been awarded over 12 service medals in recognition of services rendered to the nation.

Major General Jagath Gunawardena is married to Sagara and blessed with three daughters Naduni, Saduni and Kasuni, where all three daughters have represented the Sri Lanka National Squash Team and currently undergraduates.