06th November 2019 09:03:33 Hours
The Officers and soldiers of Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) have shown their keen interest to learn technical know-how of Bomb and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (BEEDED) during the basic course conducted at MNDF Central Area Headquarters, Khadhoo in Maldives. The student participants constituted with three Officers and thirty two Other Ranks representing various services of MNDF. The SLA instructor team is highly impressed on the eagerness and dedication shown by the student participants equally during practical and theoretical training sessions.
Ten out of two weeks of the course have been completed and practical and theoretical classes of under mentioned subject areas have been conducted at the end of the second week.
Introduction to Explosives and Accessories
Mine Warfare
Booby Traps
Written and Practical Test on Introduction to Explosives and Accessories
The Deputy Commander MNDF Central Area Major Mohamed Firdhous delivered a comprehensive and very informative presentation introducing Maldives and the MNDF to the SLA Training Team. MNDF Central area Headquarters located at Laamu Atoll in Khaddoo provides all necessary facilities for the training. The Commander MNDF Central Area Colonel Mohamad Ibrahim has ensured the SLA Training Team meeting their all requirements. Lieutenant Colonel Ashraf Ibrahim the Deputy Commander College of Defence and Security Studies acting as the coordinating body of the SLA Instructor Team. The ten member SLA Instructor Team is headed by Lieutenant Colonel Chandana Wickramanayake Colonel Project, Headquarters Engineer Brigade.