
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

23rd January 2018 15:41:51 Hours


Troops of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers extended their best wishes and military honours to the new Chief of Staff Major General HCP Goonetilleke RSP VSV USP ndc psc on 22nd December 2016 visited Regimental Headquarters for the first time upon assumption of duties as the Chief of Staff of Sri Lanka Army. Major General Channa Goonetilleke on arrival at the Regimental Headquarters was warmly received by Brigadier Nihal Amarasekara USP, Centre Commandant and conducted to inspect the Guard Turnout. Guard Turnout inspection followed the Guard of Honour, accorded to him in accordance with military traditions. Major General Channa Goonetilleke in the company of the parade commander, Captain HMSCB Herath SLE afterwards made his way to the saluting dais. In his address to the sapper troops on the occasion, Chief of Staff reminded the troops about the contribution of Regimental council members to uplift the standard of the Corps, achievements of Sappers, commitments and future responsibilities. Later on, the visiting Chief of Staff was conducted to the Colonel Commandant’s office where he met the members of the Regimental Council. As the final session of the day, the Chief of Staff attended for the All Ranks lunch at the Utility building of the Regimental Headquarters. Senior Sapper officers, Sapper officers, all Regimental Sargent Majors and hundreds of Other Ranks were present.day.