
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

23rd January 2018 15:41:45 Hours


The third Officers Training Day of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers was held on 22 Jan 2016 at the Regimental Headquarter with the participation of 100 x Officers. \r\n\r\nDay\'s activities commenced with PT session with the participation of Major General H C P Goonetilleke RSP VSV USP ndc psc Col Comdt SLE and followed by the drill.\r\n\r\nThere after series of events were held in covering Regimentation 40%, Task Specific Training 30% and Personnel Development 30.%. Following presentations were conducted during the event.\r\n\r\n1. Existing courses at SLSME and improvement (Regimentation) - Team from SLSME\r\n2. Role of CBRN Sqn, possible threats and future challenges - Maj A U Hidellaarachchi RSP SLE\r\n (Task specific training) \r\n3. Social/Mess etiquettes (Regimentation) - Maj E A G J Sanjeewa psc SLE\r\n4. Leadership presentation on Field Marshal Erwin Johannes - Team from 9 Fd Engr Regt\r\n Eugen Rommel (Personnel Development) \r\n5. Care and maintain of plant machinery. (Task specific training) - Offrs of-Indep Wksp \r\n\r\n\r\nIn the evening recreations were held at Brigadier P D Ramanayake Memorial Ground and Officers played cricket and soccer. \r\n\r\nEvent concluded with the dinners club activity held at Officers\' Mess.Dr Mahesh Edirisinghe (Senior Lecturer - Engr Faculty University of Colombo and Commissioner of the Inventors Commission in Sri Lanka) conducted a lecture on Innovation through truth that is observed.\r\n \r\nCommander Engineer Brigade Brigadier S J M A R Seneviratne RWP USP psc graced the occasion as the chief supervising directing staff.