23rd November 2024 20:24:50 Hours
A delegation of representatives from the United States visited the demining site operated by the 9 Field Engineer Regiment on Wednesday, 20 November 2024. The visit was facilitated by Commander of the Field Engineer Brigade, Colonel HKP Karunathilaka RSP, and the delegation was warmly welcomed by Major BDJ Rangajeewa USP psc SLE, Commanding Officer of the 9 Field Engineer Regiment.
The programme began with a comprehensive site briefing delivered by the site commander, Lieutenant KKAS Wasana SLAWC. The delegation was then guided on a tour of the entire demining site, where they observed the use of manual demining techniques, including detector operations and full excavation methods.
Following the site visit, the delegation proceeded to the Officers’ Mess of the 9 Field Engineer Regiment. During their stay, they engaged in discussions on Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) practices in both the United States and the Sri Lanka Army. The discussions provided an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and experiences regarding various methods of demining and EOD operations.
To conclude the visit, the 9 Field Engineer Regiment hosted a formal lunch at the Officers’ Mess in honor of the visiting delegation.