21st September 2020 19:04:39 Hours
The Seva Vanitha Branch Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE), further expanding its welfare roles towards students in families of fallen War Heroes and disabled War Heroes, awards Eight scholarships worth of Rs 28000.00 per month to recipients and provides medical aid to a student of serving Army personal. The programme was held with presence of the president of Seva Vanitha Branch, SLE Mrs Sagara Gunawardane on 20 September 2020 at the Convention Centre in Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Regimental Centre, Panagoda.
Recipients were chosen by selection committees based on War hero’s contribution and the scarification to the nation. The sponsorships were coordinated by the president of Sea Vanitha Branch. At the end of the ceremony students mingle and interact with donors while enjoying the refreshments.
Donors, Senior members of Engineer Seva Vanitha Branch, Regimental Centre Commandant, Senior Officers, Officers, Student and their parents were participated at the event.