
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

12th April 2023 21:57:58 Hours


The closing ceremony of the Chemical, Biological, Radiology and Nuclear Response Basic course held on 27 March 2023 at Home of Sappers, Mattegoda with the guidance and as a result of the ‘Combat Readiness’ concept.

The aim of this course is to enhance the knowledge, skills and competence of handling chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear first responder duties in a disaster or accidental pall out and ameliorating combat readiness of the sapper troops for unconventional threats which can disturb the tranquility and peace of the country. The course is consisted with the relevant theoretical, technical and practical sessions. The course was arranged and conducted by 14 Chemical Biological Radiology and Nuclear Response Regiment with collaboration of Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board (SLAEB), Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council (SLAERC), and National Authority for Implementation of Chemical Weapon Convention (NACWC) and the Ministry of Health.

The subject areas which were covered during the course were identification of CBRN Warfare Agents, Handling of Detection Equipment, Warning & Incidence Response Systems, Search & Rescue Drills and CBRN Disaster Management. 2/Lt MC Wimelawardena SLE became the first in order of merit in the CBRN basic course no 03 and was highly appreciated for his commendable effort.

The course was concluded with the formal closing ceremony and General Officer Commanding of the Sri Lanka Army Engineer Division Maj Gen Lanka Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc graced the occasion as the chief guest. During the closing address he mentioned increasing the number of CBRN qualified officers and ORs and conducting more CBRN related courses to widen the knowledge of sapper officers and ORs. Col AQ, Col GS of Engineer Division and the instructor officers attended for the closing ceremony and its festivities they also provided their guidance for the newly passed out CBRN officers and ORs. Course attendees receive certificates of proficiency at the end of the occasion.