
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

13th July 2022 12:40:44 Hours


As per the direction from Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Regimental Centre; inter regiment basketball tournament -2022 was organized by 11 Field Engineer Regiment from 5th July 2022 to 8th July 2022 at 11 Field Engineer regimental basketball court Nochchiyagama. The tournament was played according to National Basketball rules and regulations with the aim of identify skilful basketball players among the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers.

Officers and Other Ranks of eleven units were participated for the Inter Regimental tournament were A two day training campaign was held prior to the competition with the participation of qualified players in Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers in Officers and Other Ranks.

As the final tussle reached to its climax amid roaring applause from supporters of both Regimental teams, the spectators turned impatient with vigour and enthusiasm and 11 Field engineer regiment was won championship by defeating 4 (Volunteer) Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers.