
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

23rd January 2018 15:41:51 Hours


The Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, as they always do, seek the innovations for the benefits of the nation. In that, recently they installed a new solar panel system at Home of Sappers at Mattegoda. The commissioning of the Solar Panel System was taken place at 1900 hours on 11 July 2017 at Mattegoda. The Chief of Defence Staff General AWJC de Silva RWP VSV USP ndu psc graced the occasion as the chief guest and ceremonially unveiled the Home of Sappers Wall Plate and installed the Solar Power System at the Mattegoda camp premises. The project is generating 10 Kilo watt to the national grid system and renowned Japanese company, Takima Technical Lanka (Pvt) Limited associated with the project. Major General S Ranasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, the Col Comdt , Maj Gen DGI Karunarathne RSP psc, Chief Field Engineer, Brig SJMAR Senewirathne RWP RSP , the Comd Engr Bde, Brig IHMNN Herath RSP USP psc, the Centre Comdt and many senior officers of the Corps of Engineers and officials of Takima Technical Lanka Pvt Limited also participated the event.