
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

05th September 2020 11:53:28 Hours


The Chief of Staff (COS) Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers has visited Sri Lanka School of Military Engineering (SLSME) on 02 September 2020 in order to attend following programme.

• Guard turn out
• Inauguration of rifle & pistol firing range
• Opening of Catla House
• Troop address
• Opening of Warrant Officers’ and Sergeant Mess
• Awarding of certificate NVQ Level 3

Colonel Manoj Madurapperuma the Commandant of SLSME welcomed with the traditional Guard Turn Out to Chief of Staff and commenced the days proceeding.

Major General Jagath gunawardena proceed to newly acquired and constructed firing range and witnessed the test firing conducted by Marksmen of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers. Following rifle firing champions were participated for the test firing and Captain Tharuksha Perera act as a range officer during the shoot.

• Warrant Officer II Aruna Shantha GS
• Copral Karunarathne PHW
• Copral Rajapaksha RM
• Lance Copral Dissanayake BMCK

The rifle shooting was carried out by Captain Manoj Thilakasiri and Sapper Konara. Then the pistol shooting display carried out by Maj Lakmal Kulathunga (CO 6SLE) & Major Thiwanka Kannangara (CO 10SLE). Then Commandant of SLSME briefed about the future expansion and development of the firing range. With the termination of the test firing, Major General Jagath Gunawardena and other senior officers planted few Mango trees in designated fruits yard in the firing range. Residential project manager Mr. Osman De Silva and few invitees of Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority were participated the event.

Thereafter COS and other Senior officers of Coprs of Sri Lanka Engineers accompanied to opening of ‘Catla House’ which was completely constructed by NVQ Course 01/2020 as their practical assignment of the course. All tradesmen participated for NVQ Course contributed their technical and skill labour to construct the Catla House. Since it is facing towards and located near to the Chandrika Lake, the name was given as “Catla House” to indicate the fresh water biggest fish in the lake. COS and other senior officers were impressed about the performance of the students.

As per the day programme, Major General Jagath Gunawardena delivered a valuable speech to SLSME staff and trainees of the all courses. Then the COS emphasized the importance of maintaining physical fitness, as prerequisite for any matter in the Sri Lanka Army. Further he reminded the significant of the Engineer regiment and its’ characteristics which other regiment do not exists. He finally encouraged the officers and men by highlighting the values of commitment and enthusiasm as most imp two qualities which must be enhanced by all the officers and men for their carrier progression.

Thereafter, opening of newly constructed Warrant Officers’ & Sergeant (WOs & Sgt) Mess was arranged by training school Warrant Officer 1 - Priyantha Kumara. COS and other senior officers were welcomed to WOs’ and Sgt Mess by its members. The specialty of the construction is, the building was constructed with available local material in the school premises and around.

Since this decade has dedicated as “Expertise Decade” while keeping it in mind COS and other senior officers attended with certificate awarding, for qualified Other Ranks who followed the NVQ Level 3 (02/2019). Director of Territory and Vocational Education Commission Mr. S U K Roobasinghe emphasized the importance of vocational training and Engineer troops’ contribution to obtain the NVQ qualification. Altogether 32 students from all arms were received the NVQ Certificates from the Chief of Staff, Chief Field Engineer and Commander Engineer Brigade. Then the commandant handed over souvenirs for all representatives from the Territory and Vocational education commission as well as to the COS. Finally the lunch was arranged in officers’ mess and exchanged the memento to remark the historical visit at the termination of the day programme.

Chief of Staff and Colonel Commandant of Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, Chief Field Engineer, Commander Engineer Brigade, Commander 122 Brigade, Regimental Centre Commandant - SLE, Staff Officer 1 Army Training Command, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated at the event.