Major General S Ranasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, the Colonel Commandant Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers and the Commander Security Forces (West) declared open the new official residence of Commander Engineer Brigade on 06 December 2017 at the Engineer Brigade premises Boo Oya, Vavuniya on the invitation of the Commander Engineer Brigade, Brigadier SJMAR Seneviratne RWP USP psc.
The official residence which is rightly sited to the lush green paddy fields of the villagers fulfilled long needed requirement of a permanent shelter to the Brigade Commander. The Colonel Commandant along with the senior Sapper Officers and Commanding Officers of the Corps inspected the facilities and appreciated the cooperation paid by all commanding officers of the Corps to the success of a long needed construction.
The professional construction work completed by the construction team and the brigade staff was appreciated by hosting a tea with the Chief Guest and other distinguish invitees and gifts were distributed as tokens. The Chief Guest also inspected the work progress of the new brigade explosive dump construction site and necessary advises were given to rectify the observations.
Major General DDUK Hettiarrachchi RSP USP ndu psc Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), Major General HJS Gunawardene RSP USP ndc psc General Officer Commanding 57 Division, Brigadier TJ Nanayakkara RWP USP ndu General Officer Commanding 56 Division, Brigadier BB Randeniya Commandant, Joint Services Language Training Institute and Colonel AHLG Amarapala RWP RSP psc the Deputy Centre Commandant, Regimental Centre Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers were also present at the occasion. The programme was ended with lunch hosted to the Colonel Commandant and all invitees at the Engineer Brigade Officers’ Mess.