03rd May 2022 09:08:13 Hours
Brigadier T C Pieris RSP USP assumed duties as the third Brigade Commander of the General Engineering Brigade on 23 April 2022. Taking over duties were held with the blessings from clergy with the participation of the Colonel Project, Commanding Officer 1 FD SLE, 5 FD SLE and 12(V) ESR and all the Officers and Other Ranks of General Engineering Brigade.
The formal ceremony included Guard Turnout, Planting a Sapling, Troop address and All Rank tea at the Brigade Premises. During the Troop address Brigade Commander emphasis that the tremendous effort taken by the Brigade staff to develop the infrastructure facilities in short period of time since the Brigade started. Further, Brigade Commander appreciated the great commitment shown by all under command units in the past and requested the same support and commitment in the forthcoming projects.