
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service

23rd January 2018 15:41:47 Hours


Annual General Meeting of the Seva Vanitha Branch Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers was held at 1630 Hrs to 2230 Hrs on 31 October 2015 under the chairmanship of incumbent President Mrs. Lushanie Goonetilleke in a grandiose ceremony at the Regimental Centre Panagoda. 94 spouses of Serving Officers including Executive Committee of the Branch were witness the proceedings of the day. The meeting started with the welcome speech and six wheel chairs were donated to sappers who were wounded in action. In parallel to the session 3 gift packs of school items distributed among school children of 2 soldiers and 1 civil servant. The presentation on past event of the year was shown for recall the memories and appreciates their contribution towards ESVB and the Regiment. The event contained with interesting lecture conducted by Mrs. Achini Ranasinghe themed \"Promoting Mental Health in Children\". For the night session, the Chairperson of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit, past Presidents and spouses of serving and retired sapper Officers had been invited. The President of the Seva Vanita branch of Corps of Engineers welcomed the all participants and conveyed the sincere gratitude to all ladies for their unparalleled commitments and contribution to success of all the past events. Thereafter the ladies witnessed a donation of the Chairperson of Army Seva Vanitha Unit followed by music, dancing sessions and Raffle draw. Concluding day\'s events members appeared for a Group photograph and the dinner at the Officers\' Mess.