29th August 2020 08:56:43 Hours
The 31st anniversary celebration of 5 Field Engineer Regiment held on 23 August 2020 displaying glamour and pride on a grand scale. Its landmark commemorative 31 st anniversary ceremonies of multifarious nature, put in place in collaboration with all officers and other rankers under the supervision and guidance of the commanding officer 5 Field Engineer Regiment got to a start prioritizing religious and civil-community oriented program.
At the initial program of the anniversary celebration inter squadron cricket tournament was held on 21st August 2020. Another significant event of the anniversary celebration was providing arms giving to Muditha Niwasaya Mattegoda following that arms giving Bodhi Pooja ceremony was held at Sri Sangikaramaya temple, Kudamaduwa in evening.
On anniversary day’s cynosure of all eyes at the venue, the commanding officer of 5 Field Engineer Regiment Maj DG Thilakaratne RSP USP SLE was accorded with a guard turnout and all rank lunch. The commanding officer of 5 Field Engineer Regiment graced the occasion as chief guest during the anniversary functions. As next segment on another memorable feature with opening of the newly constructed conference hall. The commanding officer also joined planting of saplings inside the camp premises adding memories before all rank lunch. The commanding officer spoke out his mind addressing the troops gathering and refreshed memories as regards the 5 Field Engineer Regiment contribution to the success over terrorism and how valiant 5 field engineer troops turn out to be a most-feared at the critical stages of our history. The celebration of 31st anniversary of 5 Field Engineer Regiment was come to the end with officers gathering at officers’ mess of 5 Field Engineer Regiment.