04th July 2022 15:35:44 Hours
Mrs Mallika Wijayasundara assumed office as the 15th President of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers Seva Vanitha Branch during a charming ceremony held at the Headquarters Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers on 02 July 2022. On her arrival at the Corps Headquarters the new chairperson was warmly welcomed by the senior members of the Seva Vanitha Branch.
Later on Mrs Mallika Wijayasundara assumed duties at the Seva Vanitha Office amidst chanting of Seth Pirith by “Maha Sanga”. After assuming the office, all members greeted the new chairperson extending their warm wishes.
After taking over the duties, new president shared her thoughts upon the uplifting the well-being of the War heroes of the Corps.
Brigadier Manoj Madurapperuma - the Centre Commandant, Staff Officers of the Regimental Headquarters and members of the Seva Vanitha Branch were present at the occasion.