(O/65131) Lt Col DGEMRB Dhammanthota psc SLE
12 Field Engineer Regiment was raised on 30 January 2008 and established in Army Cantonment, Panagoda. The raising of the new regiment intended to pacify the huge demand of infantry troops in the field against the terrorists during freshly began hostilities which led to humanitarian operation conducted in Eastern and Northern theaters of the country. A total strength of 17 Officers and 505 Other Ranks consisted the regiment at the beginning under the patronage of Major STB Dissanayake RSP SLE; the first Commanding Officer. The Colonel Commandant Major General MCMP Samarasinghe RSP USP ndc psc graced the occasion of the opening ceremony held at Army Cantonment, Panagoda.
The Army Routine Order (ARO) 74/2007 authenticated the raising of 12 Sri Lanka Engineers (Reinforcement) with abbreviated title of 12 SLE (RFT) with effect from 01 December 2007.
The ARO 60/2012(G/SD/51/04) on 6 September 2012 came into effect amending the reinforcement role and then converted into a classic engineer role. On 10 September 2012 onwards the regiment was named as 12 Field Engineer Regiment SLE with the abbreviated title of 12 FD SLE.
The 12 FD SLE participated in many operations conducted during the Humanitarian Operations along with the infantry battalions while performing the infantry role.
The Regt initially deployed in the eastern theatre of operations carrying out infantry tasks in general area Thoppigala in February 2008 onwards and deployed 121 Fd Sqn at the Northern theatre of operation in support of 581 Inf Bde. The Sqn marched along with the 581 Inf Bde until capture of Nachchikuda. On October 2008 entire regt took part in the Wanni Operation and returned back to Walamandiya for the operation purposes. Again on March the 2009 regt was under command to 631 Inf Bde deployed at Mankulam to give protection to the Iranamadhu tank keeping the faith on the Sappers. At the end of the Humanitarian Operation the regt redeployed in the eastern theatre.
After conversion in to classic engr role the regt redeployed in Boo-Oya and since 10 September 2012 regt was affiliated to SFHQ (Wanni). Other than the Field Engineer and Plant Engineer tasks in SFHQ (Wanni) TAOR, unit involved with Humanitarian Demining task.
To enhance the combat engineering knowledge as per the training schedule, the unit moved to Sri Lanka School Of Military Engineering, Embilipitiya on November 2016 for the battalion training. After completing combat engineering theory and practical training, well trained Sappers terminated the course in 07 February 2017 with high note. With that 12 Fd Engr Regt moved to Panagoda to releave 1 Fd Engr Regt which was deployed under the RHQ SLE. The regt took over the classic engineer tasks of SFHQ (West) and SFHQ (Central). During the period deployed at Panagoda, regt was performing the classic engineer tasks of the AOR including the nation building tasks. Regt handed over the engineer task which was undertaken under SFHQ (Central) to 6 Fd Engr Regt on 11 September 2017.
Under the directions of the Dte of Ops, according to the redeployment plan 12 Fd Engr Regt redeployed at Pitigala on 18 August 2020 under ORBAT of 612 Inf Bde. Since then the regt was involved in operational and admin duties to prevent spread of Covid 19 pandemic situation in Kalutara district. The offrs and sldrs were deployed to run the Intermediate Care Centre (ICC) at Dargatown, function and administrate star graded hotels as quarantine centres. In addition to the duties above, the regt was heeld responsible to conduct operations and admin duties of the Sector 19 of Kalutara district. As per the newly formulated redeployment plan the regt was to be redeploy at Kachchigala being under commanded to newly raised Gen Engr Bde. However, the direction issued was suspended and presently the regt is deployed at Pitigala under the 612 Inf Bde HQ.
Is to conduct mil ops, assist government authorities to maintain law and order in the area of responsibility (AOR) and to implement policies and directions issued by higher formations.
Tasks are as folllows:
- To dep with the bdrys to secure the AOR with a sys of int/info gathering, search and clear ops, check pts, ptls, static pts and obsn posts with adeq res for quick reaction.
- Neut anti-state bodies NGO, criminal gangs and ability to conduct psy ops in sp of govt activities.
- Seize warlike mats in the AOR by conducting search and clear ops, ptls, obsn posts, check pts, sit awareness, coord and search ops while maint secure op bases and dets.
- Execution of proper int collection plan coupled with routine op tasks and timely provide info to 612 Inf Bde.
- Ensure the sy of the AOR conducting ltd ops, survs and trn domination focusing all mil and non mil threats with the coord of sister svcs and pol.
- Constant vigilance in all pop centers, inhabited areas and MSRs and report any threats to existing peaceful environment.
- Protect all natural resources and infrastructure facilities within AOR.
- Assist respective govt agencies to prev all kind of illegal activities take place in the AOR.
- Conduct constant trg to ensure all tps are adhere to correct battle procedure and its principals and all kinds of anticipated drills.
- Assist DRO ops in the AOR.
- Ops and admin duties in sp of prevention of new COVID 19 Pandemic sit.
- Conduct CIMIC/MACA activities to win the hearts and minds of the local pop.
In order to maint peace and security in 612 Inf Bde AOR.
Second In Command | - | Major DI Kulasekara SLE |
Adjutant | - | Captain PADWW Wickramasinghe SLE |
Intelligence Officer | - | Lieutenant AHM Madubashana SLE |
Quarter Master | - | Lieutenant (QM) HMU Sarath Kumara USP SLE |
Regimental Sergeant Major | - | Warrant Officer I JPS Premanath USP |
Artificer Sergeant Major - field | - | Warrant Officer II Rohitha Herath KRM |
Artificer Sergeant Major - Plant | - | Warrant Officer II Rajamuni RDLK |
Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant | - | Staff Sergeant Bandara RRS |
120 HQ Squadron | - | Major DMCB Elikewela SLE |
121 Field Squadron | - | Major KGML Priyantha USP SLE |
122 Field Squadron | - | Captain KP Kaluarachchi SLE |
123 Field Squadron | - | Captain GWRP Jayawardana SLE |
124 Plant Squadron | - | Major GKNH Karunarathne SLE |

Lt Col STB Dissanayake SLE
(30/01/2008 to 03/04/2010)

Lt Col DKSK Dolage psc SLE
(03/04/2010 to 06/10/2011)

Lt Col TC Peiris RSP SLE
(06/10/2011 to 10/07/2012)

Lt Col DNC Serasinghe RSP USP SLE
(10/09/2012 to 31/01/2016)

Lt Col SC Kaggodaarachchi RSP USP SLE
(01 February 2016 to 12 February 2018)

Maj PGPA Wijeratne RSP SLE
(13 February 2018 to 01 September 2018)

Maj GJP De Silva SLE
(01 November 2018 to 16 November 2020)

Maj KANPK Kodithuwakku psc SLE
(17 November 2020 to 24 November 2022)

Lt Col DGEMRB Dhammanthota psc SLE
(25 November 2022 to Up to date)

S/230371 WO I PKM Padmalal
(30/01/2008 - 01/01/2009)

S/230487 WO I LP Mendis
(01/01/2009 - 20/07/2009)

S/100789WOI HER Kumarasinghe
(20/07/2009 - 16/11/2010)

S/235195 WO I GMRPK Muhandiram
(16/11/2010 - 25/11/2011)

Wo I MAS Wijerama
(25/11/2011 to 15/07/2012)

Wo I RGS Rubasinghe
(05/07/2012 to 11/05/2013)

Wo I RMT Rathnayaka
(11/05/2013 to 05/07/2014)

Wo I HS Gamage
(05/07/2014 to 20/02/2015)

Wo I MW Jayasinghe
(20/02/2015 to 02/06/2017)

S/238102 Wo I DGSK Dodamthanna USP
(02/06/2017 to 25/03/2018)

S/239145 WO I KY Wijesinghe
(25/03/2018 to 19/12/2018)

S/239779 WO I DMJ Dissanayake USP
(19/12/2018 to 25/11/2020)