
Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers

Motherland Honour & Service


Lieutenant Colonel L V R C N Bandara RSP psc SLE
Commanding Officer


The Army Headquarters has decided to spare all the Infantry Battalions under command to 53 and 55 Infantry Divisions who were holding the commonly known “National Front” for future offensives in northern theatre having replaced them by the reinforcement battalions. 10 Field Engineer Regiment (reinforcement) was raised by the Army Headquarters on 03 August 2007 in Myliddy - Kankasanthurei. At the time of inception, the Regiment had two field squadrons, an administration element and the battalion headquarter only. But before the end of the year 2007 the Regiment was able to complete the authorized organization having four field squadrons, headquarter squadron, support element and the battalion headquarters.

Before the inception of the Regiment, more two troops plus of 102 Squadron were tasked to provide security and protection for the artillery gun position and headquarter 52 Division at Warani. After the inauguration of the Regiment, it was shifted and located at Mavady under the 513 Infantry Brigade. During the period, regiment deployed its troops under 51 and 52 divisions.

The tasks carried out by the regiment included the holding the defence line of seven kilometers at Araly lagoon front, daily route clearing and route pickets, provide security for the daily vehicle convoys and conduct cordon and search operations, raids, snatch road blocks and clearing patrols within the area of responsibility.

On 13 November 2007, the Regiment was relieved from above mentioned areas and co-located in Kilaly area in order to carry out the main task assigned to the regiment by the Army Headquarters. Before the deployment proper, entire regiment has undergone the battalion training conducted by 4 SLLI under the supervision of 553 Infantry Brigade for the duration of one month starting from 17 November 2007. After the battalion training, on 18 December 2007 the regiment was deployed in 10.8 kilometres along passage at the Kilaly lagoon front under the 525 Infantry Brigade on defensive role.

After the liberation of Kilinochchi, the regiment was under commanded to 671 Infantry Brigade and re-located at Palai in order to secure the Kilaly Lagoon Belt towards the Elephant Pass and dominate the rear areas. During the final battle in the Wanni Humanitarian Operation, two squadrons of the regiment were attached to 53 and 55 Divisions and performed duties in Pudumatalan and Wellamullivaikal areas until July 2009.

After the liberation of motherland from LTTE, Regiment was mainly performing re-settlement activities in Palai and Pulopalai areas when resettlement process commenced in January 2010. On 26 January 2011 Regiment was re-located at Potpathi under the 521 Infantry Brigade due to re-deployment of battalions in SFHQ (J) AOR.

On 12 July 2011 Regiment was re-designated as classic Engineer Regiment and took over the duties from 1 Field Engineer Regiment and deployed at Myliddy under the Security Force Headquarters Jaffna. The Regiment is presently co-located at Myliddy being detaching troops for units, brigades, divisions and Security Force Headquarters for field engineering, plant engineering and humanitarian demining tasks.


  Construction of a pier in front of Thalsewana Army resort.
  Destruction of existing earth bund along the coast from 'T' Junction to Thalsewana Army resort.
  Jungle clearing and leveling of existing bunds at Iddaikadu and Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians
  Ground filling and leveling works for Thalsewana Cabanas.
  Jungle clearing and leveling of existing bunds at Iddaikadu and Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians.
  Jungle clearing on proposed Industrial Estate at Achchuweli.
  Cleaning of water canal and ground leveling works at Jaffna Fort.
  Excavation of water tanks to breed crabs at Kayts.
  Renovation of Ariyali Barrage at Navatkuli
  Ground clearing of Palay Base hospital Farmland.


  Constr of a pier in front of Thalsewana Army resort.
  Destruction of existing earth bund along the coast from 'T'Junction to Thalsewana Army resort.(2.8 km)
  Jungle clearing and destruction of existing bunds at Idaikadu to release lands for civilians.(Distance 2.5 km)
  Jungle clearing and destruction of existing bunds at Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians. (Distance 3 Kms)
  Jungle clearing at SFHQ(J) farm (125 acres )
  Jungle clearing and leveling of existing bunds at Iddaikadu and Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians.
  Sand transportation for constr works at Army resort - Thalsewana and Offrs mess at HQ SF (J) ( 200 cubes )
  Ground filling and leveling works at Thalsewana Cabanas.
  Constr of MSR at 55 Div AOR. (Phase 1 - from Kuveni Junction to 55 Div - 07 Kms)
  Transportation of sands for proposed Army Comds Holiday Bungalow at Myliddy (200 cubes)
  Rd constr, ground filling and leveling at proposed Mech Inf Bde - Iyakachchi.
  Earth filling and leveling works at proposed Army Comds Holiday Bungalow at Myliddy.
  Ground preparation of 40 acres of 5 SLACAL land for agricultural purposes.


  Jungle clearing on proposed Industrial Estate at Achchuweli (45 acres).
  Cleaning of water canal and ground leveling works at Jaffna Fort.
  Excavation of water tanks to breed crabs at Kayts.
  Transportation of sands to constr Mahajana Vidyalaya at Thelippalai (200 Cubs).


Demining site at N/PA/JA 315 Karainagar

EOD Tasks

Demolition of UXOs in various demining sites

Development Projects (Civil)


Second In Command Maj HMUSK Illangaratne RSP SLE
Adjutant Capt SADSM Solangaarchchi SLE
Intelligence Officer Capt DM Jayawardhana SLE
Quarter Master Lt WAPS Wickramasinghe USP SLE
OC 100 HQ Squadron Maj DMC Dasanayaka RSP SLE
OC 101 Field Squadron Capt PM Ihalavithana SLE (Over Looking)
OC 103 Field Squadron Lt MSP Ranathilaka SLE (Over Looking)
OC 104 Plant Squadron Maj VKB Imaduwa SLE


Regimental Sergeant Major WO I WMSP Bandara
Artificer Sergeant Major - Field WO I W Upathissa
Artificer Sergeant Majors - Plant WO II Anjana Kumara RMN USP
Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant WO II Buddhika TGS USP


Lt Col WRAHK Wijesundara SLE
(From 03.08.2007 - 24.05.2009)
Lt Col AHLG Amarapala RWP RSP psc SLE
(From 25.05.2009 - 28.10.2010)

Lt Col DBL Kolonne SLE
(From 25.10.2010 - 10.12.2013)
Lt Col HSK Jayasinghe
(From 12.12.2013 - 25.08.2016)

Lt Col MKV Manoharan USP SLE
(Form 25.08.2016 - 19.08.2018)
Maj PADSW Ponnamperuma USP psc SLE
(From 19.08.2018 – 31.05.2020)

Lt Col WKST Kannangara psc SLE
(Form 31.05.2022 – 08.07.2022)
Maj MCS Mallawage Lsc SLE
(Form 08.07.2022 – 31.03.2024)