


News Features

  • Commander Artillery Brigade visited 14th Rocket Regiment SLA

    23rd October 2019 09:24:49 Hours

    The Commander Artillery Brigade Brig MP Karunaratne IG visited 14th Rocket Regiment Sri Lanka Artillery on 15 Oct 2019.

  • 29th Anniversary of School of Artillery

    23rd October 2019 09:22:17 Hours

    A grand ceremony with pomp and pageantry was held to mark the 29th Anniversary of the School of Artillery on 11 Oct 19.

  • Conduct of Outward Bound Training for graduate teachers

    01st October 2019 13:55:32 Hours

    The School of Artillery conducted comprehensive (Outward Bound Training) OBT package for the North Western Province Graduate teachers. The OBT package was conducted for 6 days commencing form 20 Sep to 26 Sep 19 with the participation of 200 teachers. As per the final feedbacks it is evident that the training session is highly effective and success.

  • Historical Event - First Gunner Observers who serve on UN Observer Mission

    01st October 2019 13:47:33 Hours

    Captain K W P Gunaratna (Rtd) of 3rd Field Regiment Ceylon Artillery was the first ever Gunner Officer who represented the Ceylon Artillery during United Nations Pakistan Observer Mission in India and Pakistan (UNIPOM) in 1965, Captain A Rathnayake of Ceylon Artillery joined the same mission few months later. Officers from about 20 nations participated for the mission.

  • Diners’ Club - School of Artillery

    24th September 2019 16:58:03 Hours

    The Diners’ Club was held on 19 September 2019 at the Gunners’ Club premises as a part of grooming process of the young officers. It was graced by the Guest Speaker Colonel W Chandrasiri RSP USP psc. The guest speaker commenced his lecture on “The Way Forward for the Professionalism in the Military” at 2000 hrs with a customary introduction.

  • The Assistant Instructors in Gunnery Seminar – 2019

    24th September 2019 16:56:12 Hours

  • Recruit course Passing Out Parade - 1 (2019)

    24th September 2019 16:53:17 Hours

    The School of Artillery successfully conducted the Recruit Training Course - 1 (2019). The passing out parade of Recruit Course - 1 (2019) took place on 14 September 2019 at School of Artillery. The event was extremely successful and 195 recruits were passed out by witnessing over 6000 of their parents and relatives.

  • Commander Artillery Brigade visited the School of Artillery

    11th September 2019 07:32:52 Hours

    The Commander Artillery Brigade visited the School of Artillery with the view of addressing the ongoing Long Gunnery Staff Course (LGSC) selection and the Young Officers’ courses’ students.

  • Wedding of Lt Shanaka Weerakkodi SLA

    05th September 2019 21:22:32 Hours

    Lt Shanaka Weerakkodi and Miss Tharushi Dassanayaka tied knot at Hotel Malindee - Bandarawela on 05 September 2019.

  • 6th Field Regiment celebrated it’s 34th Anniversary

    02nd September 2019 16:20:57 Hours

    6th Field Regiment of Sri Lanka Artillery Celebrated it’s 34th Anniversary on 01 September 2019 at Regimental Headquarters, Panagoda.