
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

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News Features

  • SLSR conducted a lecture on Cyber Security and More

    08th April 2023 00:05:19 Hours

    Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) Regimental Centre organized a special lecture on cyber security, Computer security and document security to the under-command battalion representatives on 6 April 2023.

  • SLSR troops bade farewell to outgoing Major General Kanishka Heiyantuduwa

    08th April 2023 00:00:55 Hours

    The Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) Regimental HQ at Ambepussa on Monday (03 April 2023) in a fitting ceremony bade formal farewell to retiring Major General Kanishka Heiyantuduwa upon completion of more than 34 years of valuable service to the organization.

  • 14 SLSR Troops conducted Charity Event

    07th April 2023 23:54:56 Hours

    Troops of the 14 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment offered special lunch to teachers and Students of Kalamurippu Government Tamil Mixed School in Oddusudan on 30 March 2023.

  • SLSR CPL represent Sri Lanka in the Selection matches in Gujrat, India

    07th April 2023 23:51:31 Hours

    Selection matches for the Asian differently able wheelchair cricket tournament 2023 were held in Gujarat, India from 23 March 2023 to 29 March 2023. Sri Lanka Also presented to this selection tournament and Corporal Karunarathna DMSG (medical Board out) of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (15( v ) SLSR) represented as a team member.

  • SLSR Warrant Officer Titled as Best Article Writer In India

    31st March 2023 09:41:49 Hours

    The potential Subedar Major Course No 154 was held in Indian Army Junior Leader’s Academy, Bareilly from 10 February 2023 to 16 March 2023 with 154 warrant Officers from different countries including 9 from Sri Lanka Army.

  • Brig Chaminda Tibbotuge Assumes Duties as New Commandant RHQ SLSR

    17th March 2023 10:19:20 Hours

    Brigadier Chaminda Tibbotuge assumed duties as the 25th Commandant of the Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment on 16 March 2023 during a Simple ceremony held at the Regimental Centre, Ambepussa.

  • RHQ SLSR Troops Salute to Their Out-Going Centre Commandant

    16th March 2023 15:41:37 Hours

    Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Regimental Centre troops paid their honours to outgoing centre commandant Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, on 15 March 2023 during a Simple ceremony held at the Regimental Centre, Ambepussa.

  • SLSR Centre Commandant Said Goodbye to Battalions

    16th March 2023 10:09:09 Hours

    Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment visited Headquarter battalion and 1 SLSR Battalions located in Regimental Centre Ambepussa before he relinquished his appointment as centre commandant on 11 and 14 March respectively.

  • SLSR SVB Marked Intl Women’s day with Special Gesture

    16th March 2023 10:03:12 Hours

    Coincide with international women's day, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch organized a special event for its members under the guidance of Mrs Omila Jayawardena, President SLSR SVB and the blessings of Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Quarter Master General (QMG) and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR on Saturday (11).

  • SLSR Young Cougars Re-United

    16th March 2023 09:59:20 Hours

    The reunion of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) Young Cougars club was held this morning (11) at the Regimental Centre SLSR in Ambepussa.