
Security Force Headquarters

16th July 2024 21:26:18 Hours

59 Division's New General Officer Commanding Takes over Duties

Major General U K D D P Udugama RWP RSP USP ndc psc assumed duties as 22th General Officer Commanding in 59 Infantry Division on 15.07.2024. Division Staff Officers, Brigade Commanders and Commanding Officers extended a warm welcome to the General Officer Commanding, 59 Infantry Division on arrival by presenting ceremonial honours at the entrance followed with Guard of honour by 6 GW Battalion.

In his new office, the new General Officer Commanding afterwards symbolically signed an official document to mark the assumption of his duties after the religious observances. Soon after adding memories for the day, the new General Officer Commanding was invited to plant a sapling in the premises before he posed for a few group photographs. After a while, in line with military formalities he addressed all Officers and Other Ranks where he expressed his vision for the Division in future. An All-Rank tea culminated the day's agenda.

As the final event of the agenda the Deputy General Officer Commanding, Colonel General Staff, Colonel Coordinating and Colonel Admin and Quartering 59 Infantry Division conducted a comprehensive briefing regarding Roll, Task, Deployment, mode of operandi ,future plans and Admin and Quartering of 59 Infantry Division with the General Officer Commanding 59 Infantry Division.