
Security Force Headquarters

08th December 2023 08:14:55 Hours

More Coconut Saplings Distributed in Mannar

Anthoniyapuram, Iluppukadawei, Thoddaweil, Vedithalativu, Sannar, Periyamadu, Paliaru, Thewampiddi, Adampan, ParappakandHal, Wattakandhal, Kaththankulam, Nanattan, Arippu, Manthai and Andankulam villagers in the Mannar district were the recipients of 325 coconut saplings during a recent programme that coincides with the ongoing 'coconut sapling' cultivation project in the north.

Troops of the 10 (V) Gemunu Watch and the 5 (V) Mechanized Infantry Regiment under the 541 Infantry Brigade took those coconut saplings to their doorsteps on 26 November 2023 following information provided by respective Grama Seva officials in response to a request made by the General Officer Commanding 54 Infantry Division and the Commander 541 Infantry Brigade.

65 families living in above-mentioned villages received those free saplings through the coordination of respective troops.