
Security Force Headquarters

08th July 2023 18:25:38 Hours


According to the concept of the Commander, Security Force (Wanni), Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP and the supervision of General Officer Commanding, 56 Infantry Division Major General H G P M Kariyawasam RSP ndc psc IG, a two days’ workshop was conducted for Regimental Sergeant Majors and Warrant Officers of the Security Force (Wanni) AOR on 05 and 06 July 2023. It was organized by the 56 Infantry Division in view to upgrade the standerds, leadership qualities and commanding ability of Warrant Officers. This workshop was conducted for 90 Regimental Sergeant Majors and Warrant Officers of Class I and II in Security Force (Wanni) AOR.

A former military cadet trainer of Sri Lanka Military Academy - Diyathalawa, Warrant Officer 1 KRA Senavirathne (Retd), former Regimental Sergeant Majors of Army Headquarters Warrant Officer 1 PGMS Jayaweera USP, Warrant Officer 1 LHTD Sarath Kumara, Warrant Officer 1 WMSP Wijesinghe and Regimental Sergeant Major Warrant Officer 1 WPDR Weerasinghe USP of Army Headquarters, delivered lectures on duties and responsibilities of Warrant Officers, management skills, funeral formalities, discipline and dress regulations etc.

At the successful termination of the workshop General Officer Commanding, 56 Infantry Division Major General H G P M Kariyawasam RSP ndc psc IG conducted the closing remarks and presented token of appreciation to the lecturers and certificates to the all Warrant Officers who attended for the workshop in Security Force (Wanni) area. Brigadier General Staff, Brigadier Administration and Quartering, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) witnessed the closing ceremony.