
Security Force Headquarters

12th April 2023 15:33:23 Hours


211 Infantry Brigade initiated another welfare project to ease off economic hardships faced by communities living in the Lindawewa Gramaniladhari Division, Medawachchiya. On the guidance and direction of 211 Infantry Brigade Commander Brigadier AMCP Wijayarathne RWP RSP psc, troops conducted a distribution programme of dry ration packs for the low – income families on 05 April 2023 at Lindawewa Dumminnegama Community hall. A number of 100 low – income families were benefited by the program. The welfare project was sponsored by Mr. Sunil Wijewardhana a well-known businessman of Sarana Buddhist Foundation Kadawatha.

21 Infantry Division General Officer Commanding Major General WPADW Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu graced the event as the chief guest. The formal event of distribution of Dry Ration Packs was commenced by the Chief guest with the other guests, Assistant Divisional Secretary of Medawachchiya Mr. S Kausigan, Colonel General Staff of 21 Infantry Division Colonel KADNR Kannangara RSP IG, Civil Affairs Officer of 21 Infantry Division Lt Colonel TDD Krishan, Commanding Officer of 14th Sri Lanka Artillery regiment Lt Col TSGP Amarasena USP psc, Civil Affairs Officer of 211 Infantry Brigade Major RMSJ Rajanayaka and troops of 211 Infantry Brigade and 14th Sri Lanka Artillery Regiment attended for this generous event.