
Security Force Headquarters

02nd January 2023 14:03:06 Hours


Under the direction of Commander 65 Infantry Division, Maj Gen Prasad Edirisinghe psc, under the supervision of Brigadier DNC Serasinghe RSP USP and Commanding Officer 4 GR Maj WDA Udayakumara, 653 Infantry Brigade organized Christmas Carols in Periyapna divirichchan, in Madu area with the participations of large number of people. The event was held on 22 December 2022 at Periyapnadivirichchan Government Tamil School and a large number of school children, and NCOs and soldiers of 4 GR presented themselves in the Christmas carol program. Event was organized with the coordination of Mariyakoththi Church and AGA Secretariat Madu. Presentation of Christmas carol in all 3 languages; Tamil, Sinhala and English languages , versatility of cultural activities and the goodwill of the people towards the Army became significant during the event. The music for the event was composed by 4 GR Western Band.

Commander 65 Infantry Division grace the event as the Chief Guest and the commander 653 Infantry Brigade divisional and the staff, 4 GR troops, Father Rev Sugunaraj, Assistant Divisional Secretary - Madhu, Medical Officers, OIC - Madhu Police Station and Principle together with teachers of Periyapan divirichchan Government Tamil School also were participated for the event.