
Security Force Headquarters

26th June 2022 16:19:51 Hours

Conducting of two days workshop regarding Organic Agriculture for the troops of Security Force Headquarters ^Wanni&

The Sri lanka Army has already launched an agrarian militia to ensure the food security of the country by intervening in the ongoing food crisis in the country. Accordingly, on the instructions of the Commander of the Army, the cultivation of cultivable agro-economic crops has been initiate with the identification of cultivable lands for further expansion of that function. By that on the instructions of the Commander of the Security Forces Headquarters Wanni Major General Champaka Ranasinghe Organic, farming has already commenced at the Security Forces Headquarters Wanni Camp. For that, a workshop was conduct on 21st and 22 June 2022 by the Mr JP Gayal District subject matter officer plant protection, The Office Deputy Provincial