
Security Force Headquarters

24th June 2022 17:51:39 Hours

Distribution of 100 dry ration bags to needy families in AOR

100 Pcs of dry ration bags distribution programme for low income families living in Bogaswewa I, Bogaswewa II, Namalgama, Salalihinigama, Nandimitragama, Kallikulam and Madinanagar villages in Vavuniya area was conducted at community hall Nandimithragama on 19.06.2022, with the absolute guidance of General Officer Commandina 56 Division Major General LDSS Liyanage RSP USP psc hdmc and ssupervision of Commander 563 Infantry Brigade Col AGSM Perera RWP RSP USP. The president of the Sri Lanka branch of Non Goventmcnt Oryanisatioa in United Kindum, name as “Vishwa Samadhi” Mr Mahesh Hettiarachchi was given his absolute contribution in order to success this programme by giving financial assistance to prepare this dry ration packs.

Assistant secretary of “Vishwa Samadhi” organization Mrs Chandima Kuruppu and Samadhi Narankatuwa participated for this event to represent the organization. Further, Commander 563 Infantry Brigade Colonel AGSM Perera RWP RSP USP, Civil Affairs Officer 56 Infantry Division, Civil Affairs Officer 563 Infantry Brigade and 2nd in Commander 7 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment along with 02X15 troops from 7 SLSR and 100 low income families (50 - Sinhala families, 25 - Tamil families, 25 - Muslim families) also participated for this programme.