
Security Force Headquarters

15th March 2022 18:07:39 Hours


To develop the fighting power of the Infantry, it requires to enhance a physical component/ combat power by increase the manpower, equipment, training and readiness. Infantry Battalion Training has proved its importance at war against terrorism, and it is required to be continued in order to maintain the fighting potential of Infantry Battalions.

Infantry Battalion Training is mainly focused on development of units/ sub units and individual in Internal Security and Counter Insurgency Warfare, particularly in jungle and semi urban environments, an introduction to conventional warfare, while with the aims of enhancing the professional competence, leadership, effectiveness and efficiency of infantry battalions of the Army.

In present day context military training is very important for maintain operational readiness. Accordingly keeping that on view, with the direction of the Commander of the Army and under the supervision and guidance of General Officer Commanding of 65 Infantry Division Major General KA Samarasiri RWP RSP USP psc, the 1st of Battalion Training course for year 2022 commenced on 08th March 2022 at Battalion Training School - Mulankavil for 19th Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry and will be terminated on 30th April 2022. The General Officer Commanding 65 Infantry Division delivered the opening address. The course will be conducted, while strictly adhering to the health guideline published by the AHQ and health authorities.