
Security Force Headquarters

01st March 2022 07:04:49 Hours


The training of junior leaders are paramount important to maintain operational readiness and also to practice the mission command. In present day context military training is very important for maintain operational readiness. Accordingly, keeping that on view, with the direction of Commander Security Forces (Wanni) Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP and under the supervision and guidance of General Officer Commanding of 65 Infantry Division Major General K A Samarasiri RWP RSP USP psc, the first NCOs refresher training course for Snr Cpls in SF (Wanni) AOR commenced on 21st Feb 22 and scheduled to be terminated on 05 March 22 at 65 Inf Div, while strictly adhering to the health guideline published by the AHQ and health authorities.

The course syllabus has included lectures and practical sessions on Leadership, Decision Making, Drill, Social Etiquettes, Dress Etiquettes, Mess Etiquettes, Telephone Etiquettes, Personal Discipline, Accident Procedure, Sri Lanka Constitution, Counseling and Stress Release, Civil Law, Army Act, Responsibilities of Sec Comd, Leadership Presentation, Method of Instruction, Mess Accounts, IHL & HR. The total of 108 x Cpls (3 x Cpls from each Bn) representing all Bns deployed in SF (Wanni) AOR undergoing the course. GOC 65 Inf Div joined with the opening address and so far completed 05 days.