
Security Force Headquarters

21st February 2022 11:55:38 Hours


In order to uplift the team spirit, cooperation and sport skills among the troops several sports activities been allocated to all the Infantry Divisions and FMA (N/C) under Security Forces (Wanni).

According as per the direction of Commander Security Forces (Wanni) Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP, Inter Division Elle tournament has been arranged by the close supervision of General Officer Commanding 65 Infantry Davison, Major General K A Samarasiri RWP RSP USP psc. The 1st and 2nd rounds been played at the play ground of 65 Infantry Davison on 16th and 17th Feb 2022.

There were seven teams representing from all Infantry Divisions including SFHQ (W) and FMA (NC) participated and 21 Infantry Davison team and 56 Infantry Division team got selected for the finals after defeating the strong oppositions. The tournament played according to the knockout system and the finals will be scheduled to be played during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year festival organized by the Security Forces (Wanni).