
Security Force Headquarters

17th November 2021 08:10:00 Hours


In view of uplifting the social standard and welfare of people in Mulathive region, Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) initiated a housing project to provide permanent residence for Jeganthi Liyanage Nilanka family living with many economical constrains at Kidapidichchikulam, Naddankandal of 652 INF BDE AOR.

The project is undertaken by troops of 10 SLLI of 652 INF BDE under the instructions of Security Force (Wanni) Major General CD Ranasinghe RWP RSP, with the direction of 65 Inf Div GOC and supervision of Commander 652 Inf Bde.

For the opening and handing over this house GOC - 65 Inf Div Major General K A Samarasiri RWP RSP USP psc, Comd – 652 Inf Bde Brig WAUS Wanasekara RWP USP, CO - 10 SLLI Maj DS Sooriyaarachci and 10 SLLI troops were attended.