
Security Force Headquarters

13th September 2021 17:15:14 Hours


Under the directives and guidelines given by Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army General Shavendra Silva, 653 Infantry Brigade has launched a house construction project for less fortunate families in Sinnapandivirichchan village in Madhu Area. Troops of 65 Infantry Division, 653 Infantry Brigade and 24th Battalion of Gajabha Regiment offered their labor and expertise for construction of two new houses.

On being informed of the plight of these two families, the Commander 653 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier Sudantha Fonseka took the initiative with the guidance of General Officer Commanding, 65 Infantry Division, Major General Anil Samarasiri and coordinated with the Madhu AGA Office to take up the construction of building of these two houses.

On 28 July 2021, the construction of the first house has commenced with a simple ceremony. 80% of the construction had been completed by 11 September 2021 and planned to complete by end of this month. The constructions of second house was commence on 08 September 2021 by the troops of 24th Battalion of Gajabha Regiment.

The project was coordinated by the officers and soldiers of the 65 Division, 653 Brigade, and 24th Battalion of Gajabha Regiment and financial provisions are from the AGA office Madhu. On 11 September 2021 the Commander 653 Infantry Brigade paid a visit to witness the progress of the constructions along with the Commanding Office of 24 GR and given further directions to take necessary steps to complete the project by the end of this month and planned to hand over these to the beneficiaries in accordance with the 72nd Army Day celebration of Sri Lanka Army.