
Security Force Headquarters

29th January 2021 00:10:42 Hours


The recently appointed Commander Security Forces - (Wanni) Major General D M H D Bandara RWP RSP USP visited 62 Infantry Division and it’s under Command Brigades and Battalions on 25st & 26th January 2021 in Padavi SriPura area.

First day the visiting Commander was honored with a Guard Turnout at Headquarters 62 Infantry Division and invited to plant a sapling at Division premises by the General Officer Commanding, of 62 Infantry Division Brigadier D M K D B Pussella RWP RSP. Thereafter a briefing on role & tasks of 62 Infantry Division was done by the GOC which followed with a troop address and the field visit to Headquarters 621 Infantry Brigade,622 Infantry Brigade and invited to plant a sapling at camp premises by the Brigade Commander. Thereafter Commander Security Forces - Wanni visited 9th Gajaba Regiment, 14th (V) Sri Lanka Light Infantry and Battalion Training School - Kalyanapura. On the way to field visit Commander Security Forces - Wanni visited Army Farm at Sinhapura.

Second day the visiting Commander was honored with a Guard Turnout at Headquarters 5th (V) Gajaba Regiment. After Commander Security Forces - Wanni visited to headquarters 623 Brigade which followed with a camp visit. Latter on 11th Regiment Gamunu Watch visited by Commander Security Forces - Wanni. On the way to field visit Commander Security Forces - Wanni visited to see Yanoya Project and Viharahalmillewa temple to inspected the construction of temple.

General Officer Commanding 62 Infantry Division Brigadier D M K D B Pussella RWP RSP, Commander 621 Brigade, 622 Brigade, 623 Brigade Senior Officers of SFHQ (Wanni), 62 Division and Battalion Commander’s attended for the events.