
Security Force Headquarters

01st January 2021 16:44:06 Hours


Extending the warm and best wishes to all Officers and Other Ranks for the Year 2021, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General W L P W Perera RWP RSP ndu made his presence for the occasion of flag hoisting ceremony prior to commence the work on Year 2021.

The formal function was held in the premises of office complex of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni) where the Commander Security Force (Wanni) gathered in hoisting the National Flag followed by two minutes silence to tribute for fallen war heroes. There after the Medical Officer delivers an awareness speech to educate the means to prevent corona virus, followed by reading the oath of state service.

Subsequently the Commander Security Force (Wanni) addressed the troops while extending best wishes to troop and their families. The ceremony is terminated after having tea with the gathering of all ranks.

Brigadier General Staff Brigadier K A N N Koswatta RWP RSP, Brigadier Administration and Quartering Brigadier J H J Nishantha along with all Senior Officer, Officers, Other Ranks and civil staff performing duties at Headquarters Security Force (Wanni) made their presence for the occasion.