
Security Force Headquarters

12th December 2020 15:59:53 Hours


Attorney General’s Official House Vavuniya which is built within the area of responsibility of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) had been declared open at an auspicious time on 10th December 2020.

The construction of the Official House was initiated after laying the founding stone on 11th June 2015 under the supervision of then Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc under the guidance of 2nd Battalion Corps of Engineer Services and with the untiring effort of officers and other ranks of 22nd Squadron Corps of Engineer Services. Later the project had come to an end with the supervision and guidance of present Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General W L P W Perera RWP RSP ndu.

The total expenditure of this construction project tallies up to Rs 27.5 million and it was granted by the Department of Law Commission of Sri Lanka.

Mr Dappula De Livera, Attorney General of Sri Lanka attended as the chief guest for the opening ceremony and Head of the Administrative Section of Law Commission of Sri Lanka, the Assistant Solicitor General and Attorney at Law Mr Sumathi Darmawardhane, General Officer Commanding of the 21 Infantry Division Major General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP USP ndu, Brigade Commander of the 211 Brigade Colonel J K R Jayakodi RWP RSP, Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion Corps of Engineer Services, Officials of Sri Lanka Law Commission and Seniors Officers of the Sri Lanka Police also attended the event.