
Security Force Headquarters

27th August 2020 22:19:06 Hours


Combat Push-bike Course A concept driven by the Brigadier S M S P B Samarakoon RWP RSP the General Officer Commanding of 62 Infantry Division was held from 11th August to 25th August 2020 at the 622 Infantry Brigade at Helambawewa.

The objectives of the course was to enhance the security mechanism in the area by effective domination plan with minimum available resources whilst maintaining the Combat Efficiency and Combat Effectiveness. Altogether, there were 35 troops selected from 11th Gemunu Watch, 9th Gajaba Regiment, 20th Gajaba Regiment, 14 (v) Sri Lanka Light Infantry and 17th Sri Lanka National Guard Bn’s deployed in 62 Infantry Division AOR attended this specially design training course curriculum at its inauguration session.

A set of qualified instructor team from 2nd Special Forces Regiment conducted the training under the supervision of Commander, 623 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier GP Kodituwakku RWP RSP. A delightful demonstration organized by the members of the course at its termination held in the presence of Security Force Commander (Wanni), Major General J M U D Jayasinghe, who graced the event as the Chief Guest. Addressing the gathering, the Chief Guest commended the efforts made by the GOC 62 Infantry Division Commander for taking initiative to introduce this special course curriculum where all the troops in the AOR will benefit in time to come with its continuation. The Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers and Other Ranks deployed in Wanni theatre witnessed the demonstration and the award ceremony.