
Security Force Headquarters

10th March 2020 18:39:49 Hours


Continuing with the social welfare projects initiated by Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) under the supervision of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri ndu psc, a donation programme were held on 08th March 2020 at the Youth Center Conference Hall, Anuradhapura.

The donation programme was sponsored by the Rotary Club Colombo and Asarana Sarana Society in Colombo. which was coordinated by the General Officer Commanding of the 21 Division Major General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP ndu through his personal contacts.

Over 500 civilians representing all communities in 21 Div area attended the event and they were undergone a complete check-up before the spectacle and Artificial limbs were issued to them. General Officer Commanding of the 21 Division Major General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP ndu made his presence for the donation as the chief guest.

The Director Rotary Club Anuradapura, Director of Provincial Health Services Dr Palitha Bandara, Commander, 212 Brigade, Colonel Anil Peiris, Commander, 213 Brigade, Colonel Rasika Kumara, Civil Affairs officer 21 Division, Officers and Other Ranks of 21 Division, beneficiaries and Civilians too were present at the occasion.