
Security Force Headquarters

11th December 2019 09:25:21 Hours


A donation programme was organized by troops of 14 Sri Lanka Light Infantry to distribute essential school items for kids qualified for grade one in the academic year 2020 of eight school, 231 children from under privileged families living in Welioya on 08 December 2019.

After observing the difficulties faced by the students coming from deprived families in Welioya and nearby areas, the General Officer Commanding of 62 Division Major General Dhammika Jayasinghe initiated to provide a set of school items The programme was organized by Commander, 621 Brigade Col AP Wickramasekara USP psc.

231 students were given with school bags, water bottles, stationeries, Lunch boxes, Book packs, Pencil cases and some equipment for class room cleaning.

Mr. Prasad Lokubalasooriya and his colleagues from Royal College Colombo and University of Sri Jayawardanapura together with some philanthropists funded this donation.

The General Officer Commanding 62 Division Major General Dhammika Jayasinghe attended in distributing these items during a brief ceremony held at school premises.

The Commander 621 Brigade, Commanding Officers of 14 (V) Sri Lanka Light Infantry and Divisional Education Director Welioya , the principal, teachers, parents and large number of students were made their presence during this event.