
Security Force Headquarters

17th August 2019 18:28:43 Hours


Continuing the Social Welfare of enhancing the living standard of deprived people in Wanni region, Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) initiated to construct a new house for an underprivileged family of Mr Cyril Sennevirathne living in Samadhigama, Seeppukulama one of the rural interiors of Kahatagasdigiliya.

After projecting the requirement of constructing a new house, Mr Anura Dorakumbura through his personal affiliation coordinated one of the leading media networks in Sri Lanka, the Independent Television Network to finance for the project.

Due to the generosity of Independent Television Network, Security Force Wanni was able to extend the social welfare activity of constructing this house for the benefit of Mr Cyril Sennevirathne and his family and such Corporate Social Responsibility Projects will be continued with the overall supervision and guidance of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Jagath Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc.

Family of the selected was most deserving in an area where poverty is in abundance. Having own home would have been merely restricted to a dream if ITN had not come forward.

Construction of the house for Mr Cyril Sennevirathne will be carried out by troops of 7 (V) Sri Lanka Armoured Corps under 212 Brigade with the directions of Commander 212 Brigade Colonel Anil Peiris RSP USP psc and with the supervision of General Officer Commanding - 21 Division Major General Kumar Jayapathirane RSP.

Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) has already constructed 11 houses for deprived families during last two years and this will be the 12th house.

The foundation stone for the construction of house was auspiciously laid by the General Officer Commanding - 21 Division Major General Kumar Jayapathirane RSP gracing the occasion as the chief guest on behalf of the Commander Security Force (Wanni). Representing Independent Television Network, Mr Anura Dorakumbura, The Divisional Secretary Mr. Jayantha Sri Rathnayake, the Commander 212 Brigade - Colonel Anil Peiris RSP USP psc, many senior military officers, the beneficiary Mr Cyril Sennevirathne together with his family and number of villagers were present at the occasion.