
Security Force Headquarters

12th April 2019 10:58:24 Hours


In view of building up the harmony among villagers in most remote areas of Wanni region the General Officer Commanding of 56 Division Major General DAPN Dematanpitiya ndu psc initiated to organize celebrations of Sinhala Hindu New Year Festival - 2019. The celebration was taken place on 7 April 2019 and followed by a Musical Show with the participation of thousands of civilians, and army troops.

The programme of Aurudu celebration was graced by the General Officer Commanding 56 Division Major General DAPN Dematanpitiya ndu psc as the chief guest. General Officer Commanding 62 Division Brigader JMUD Jayasinghe, Commander 561 Brigade Colonel RMPSB Rathnayake, Commander 563 Brigade Colonel EADP Edirisinghe psc and Staff Officers of this Division also attended this event.

This New Year Celebration was highly praised by all villagers who attended and they appreciated the contribution afforded by the army for arranging this glamous event.