
Security Force Headquarters

29th March 2019 07:07:59 Hours


Newly constructed Office Complex of Headquarters 541 Brigade and accommodation area cum facility center for All Ranks in 542 Brigade were vested with the troops by Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General KumuduPerera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu on 26 March 2019.

The Office Complex of Headquarters 541 Brigade was a long felt need to carry out all official duties assigned as well as majority civilians depend on the assistance provided and coordinated by the Brigade.

Gracing the first event as chief guest, Commander Security Force (Wanni) unveiled the plaque of newly constructed Office Complex at Headquarters 541 Brigade after being warmly welcomed by Commander 541 Brigade Brigadier K R K K T Bandara RSP USP. That was followed by a tree planting to mark the opening ceremony and visit of Commander Security Force (Wanni).

Thereafter, the newly constructed accommodation area and facility complex located inside the premises of Headquarters 542 Brigade was vested with troops by Major General Kumudu Perera. At the arrival at 542 Brigade a warm welcome was extended by Commander 542 Brigade, Colonel I H M N R K Herath USP psc and accorded a guard turnout. Subsequently, the chief guest unveiled the plaque to mark the opening of newly constructed accommodation area and facility complex of Headquarters 542 Brigade.

Troops of Engineers Services carried out both constructions under the guidance of Commanders 541 and 542 Brigades Brigadier K R K K T Banadara RSP USP and Colonel I H M N R K Herath USP psc with the blessings of General Officer Commanding 54 Division Brigadier W G H S Bandara RWP RSP ndu.

General Officer Commanding 54 Division Brigadier W G H S Bandara RWP RSP ndu, Brigadier Administration & QuarteringColonel S P A I M B Samarakoon Lsc Hdmc, Colonel General Staff of 54 Division Colonel WMPWWVR Palamakumbura RWP RSP along with several Senior Officers, Officers of 54 Division, 541 and 542 Brigades together with the construction teamof Engineers Services gathered in the opening ceremony.