
Security Force Headquarters

24th February 2019 08:11:00 Hours


As a continuation of being a supportive hand for the educational development of students of remote schools in Wanni area, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP VSV ndu initiated a donation programme on 23 February 2019 in distributing gift vouchers to buy pairs of school shoes for needy students in Anuradhapura Horoupathana Parangiyawadiya Vidyalaya, a one of the most remote schools in Anuradhapura District.

Financial assistance for the distribution of gift vouchers for shoes was provided by a philanthropist Mr Roshan Masakorala from the Sri Lanka Shipping Academy with the direction and coordination of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu.

As well as, a team of local and foreign friends of Mr Roshan Masakorala too sponsored this charitable programme.

Previously, Mr Roshan Masakorala financially sponsored to donate over 200 gift vouchers for Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim Students of selected Schools in Anuradhapura, Vavuniya and Mannar areas. This time 100 selected students were gifted with vouchers to buy a pair of school shoes which needed them very much. These donations were truly depicted virtuous rapport between all ethnic groups in Wanni region and the military while being strength of enhancing the reconciliation among all communities.

The Commander 213 Brigade Colonel K A W S Rathnayake graced the occasion as the chief guest. Senior Officers of 211 Brigade and its under command formations, teachers along with students and large number of villagers too were present at the programme.